spacebawl (the blog)

We thought about it. Now you have to read it.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Required Reading.

This post will be a continually updated list of books that should be read by every progressive, liberal, and Democrat who wishes to get a handle on the insanity that is U.S. politics. Many of them also provide guidance on how to become politically active and keep from getting discouraged. Some I've read and can recommend personally; others I have not, but am familiar enough with the reputations of the authors (many of them progressive bloggers) that I have no qualms about listing them. This post will always be accessible via the link in the left-hand sidebar under "Reading Room." Suggestions are welcome! (FWIW, as many as possible are linked via Powell's Books, a great progressive-minded online book retailer. I encourage you to patronize Powell's whenever you buy books online. Please click through from my blog so I get teh monies!)


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